Confirmation I and II Coordinator: Betty Sheehan, DRE 586.598.3314 ext. 302
The 2024-2025 Confirmation I & II formation sessions will be held on Saturdays
at St. Francis-St. Maximilian Church in Ray Twp.
2024-2025 Schedule of Classes
Grades 6, 7, 8
Classes are held from 3:15 - 6:00 pm (includes Mass) on Saturday afternoon .
Betty Sheehan, Coordinator of Discipleship Formation, [email protected] 586.260.4250
September 8 Parent/Student Meeting 7:00 pm (Mandatory)
September 14 Class Session
September 28 Class Session
October 12 Class Session
October 19 Class Session
October 26 All Saints Presentation (Families invited)
November 9 Class Session
November 16 Class Session
November 23 Thanksgiving Service Project
December 7 Class Session
December 8 Rite of Acceptance (Candidate Students Only) 10:00 am Mass
December 21 Christmas Pageant (Families invited)
December 28 & January 4 CHRISTMAS BREAK - NO CLASS
January 11 Class Session
January 18 Class Session
January 25 CONFIRMATION RETREAT - Candidates Only. 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
February 8 Class Session
February 22 Class Session
March 8 Class Session
March 22 Class Session
March 29 LENTEN FAIR Service Project 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Families invited)
April 5 Class Session
April 12 Stations of the Cross (Families invited)
April 17 HOLY THURSDAY MASS 7:00 pm (Mandatory)
May 3 May Crowning (Mandatory)
May 10 Class Session
May 17 Class Session
June 9 Confirmation Practice for Candidates/Sponsors 6:00 pm
June 14 CONFIRMATION MASS 11:00 am St. Francis-St. Maximilian Church
Confirmation Catechesis
Confirmation is the Sacrament that seals the waters of Baptism. It deepens our belonging to the community, our relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and strengthens us as a disciple of Christ. The community witnesses to and celebrates the sacrament and the sponsor represents the whole Catholic faith, parish, diocese and world. According to that definition catechesis for this sacrament should include as much as the whole faith community as possible. Thus, at St. Francis - Maximilian the preparation occurs beginning when the little child can first bring up cans or boxes of food for the poor during the time of Mass that our collection is brought up. It continues when the child learns about how our faith has many facets as part of the religion classes from grades one through six and then experiences some of those facets by participating in various parish and community works as he or she grows. Then during the seventh and eight grade all of the previous efforts are concentrated into a two year summation process which includes prayer, life experiences, and study.
The Confirmation I and Confirmation II programs are sessions which includes such activities as study, and prayer. Candidates will also attend a Confirmation Retreat(s). He or she is expected to regularly attend weekend liturgy, participate in activities, take an active participation in the Triduum Liturgies of Easter and live their faith through daily "life experiences".
Confirmation is the Sacrament that seals the waters of Baptism. It deepens our belonging to the community, our relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and strengthens us as a disciple of Christ. The community witnesses to and celebrates the sacrament and the sponsor represents the whole Catholic faith, parish, diocese and world. According to that definition catechesis for this sacrament should include as much as the whole faith community as possible. Thus, at St. Francis - Maximilian the preparation occurs beginning when the little child can first bring up cans or boxes of food for the poor during the time of Mass that our collection is brought up. It continues when the child learns about how our faith has many facets as part of the religion classes from grades one through six and then experiences some of those facets by participating in various parish and community works as he or she grows. Then during the seventh and eight grade all of the previous efforts are concentrated into a two year summation process which includes prayer, life experiences, and study.
The Confirmation I and Confirmation II programs are sessions which includes such activities as study, and prayer. Candidates will also attend a Confirmation Retreat(s). He or she is expected to regularly attend weekend liturgy, participate in activities, take an active participation in the Triduum Liturgies of Easter and live their faith through daily "life experiences".